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One of His signs is this:
That He has created mates for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of mind in them and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
Quran 30:21

Parties wishing to get married at Idriss Mosque should be aware of the following requirements before completing a marriage request form and making an appointment for their marriage service:
1. Marriage will not be performed between a Muslim female and a non-Muslim male.
2. A Marriage License issued by a County in the State of Washington must be obtained and presented to the authorized performer of the marriage, for the Mosque, prior to the ceremony.
4. Approval of the Marriage by respective fathers or recognized Muslim guardians must be demonstrated, by written evidence prior to performance of the marriage (This condition especially applies to the bride; e.g., Parent / Guardian permission required indicating consent to the marriage dependent upon bride age).
5. A completed, written, and signed agreement for the Dowry (Mahr- gift) to the bride between the bride guardian and the groom.
6. Verbalized commitment with intention from the husband and wife to practice the Islamic tenets and their obligatory duties.
7. Marriages and/or receptions held at Idriss Mosque shall conform to Islamic standards; e.g., no alcoholic beverages, drugs, sensual music, dancing, singing, free mixing of men and women nor immodest dress will be allowed.
8. Two Muslim male witnesses must be present who know the groom.
9. A Wakeel/ Wali (guardian) of the bride, regardless of bride age must be present, during and at the time of marriage.
10. A reasonable donation or Fee; shall be contributed to Idriss Mosque.
11. An appointment for finalization of questions, clarifications, compliance with requirements for the marriage with the service performer must be completed at least one week prior to the marriage date.

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